We love Muncie and we love people. We believe that God has called us to seek the good of this great city so we want to serve and love our community through radical acts of mercy and justice so that the lives of all the citizens of Muncie flourish.

We know that life is hard and complicated and sometimes you just need a little bit of help. And we want to help. Whatever your need is (financial, emotional, relational, housing, food, utilities, rental assistance, etc.) we will seek to provide for it if we are able or connect you to someone else who can help as best we can. Please fill out and submit this form and our director of Mercy or someone on our Mercy Team will be in touch with you shortly.

Mental Health Help

We also believe that Jesus cares a whole lot about each of us. And he cares about all of us. There can be a stigma in the church and in our world around getting help with our mental health, but we want to break through that and seek for wholeness in all areas of our lives. We have put together a list of mental health resources that are available in our community. If you need additional help in connecting with these resources please fill out the need help form above.