Weekly Community Question: Results

Each week, we are asking a community question in order to learn more about Muncie. Below you can see the results to all our questions:

Question #1: What do you love about Muncie? 


What do you love about Muncie?

Results are displayed as percentages.

Question #2: How many of your neighbors do you know?

QUESTION #3: What Changes would most improve Muncie?

We only got 3 answers for this question, but here they are:

Answer #1: A more vibrant downtown, and more free activities (i.e.- something to go to other than restaurants.

Answer #2: Continued infrastructural development on the South side of Muncie - paved roads, new businesses and low-income housing, and renovated abandoned buildings. I think the motto, "If you build it, they will come", applies to bringing in recent graduates, young professionals and families, and innovative entrepreneurs to an "up and coming" community. This development could also bridge the current/historical racial divide.

Answer #3: Fix the pot holes.


Thanks for your answers! Let's work together to make Muncie an even better place to live!