On April 21, 2024, the congregation of City Hope Fellowship voted to dissolve its voluntary relationship with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and Central Indiana Presbytery. The recommendation to dissolve our denominational affiliation was made by the Elders in October 2023. It was the culmination of years of wrestling with various issues, fervent prayer, and consultation with godly men and women, both within and outside of Central Indiana Presbytery. The reasons underlying this decision are based on orthopraxy (the practice of our faith), not orthodoxy (the doctrines of our faith), and primarily relate to the shepherding and safety of our members. City Hope remains committed to the Gospel and the confessional standards of the historic Christian Faith and the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition. Our concerns are about the way the PCA is living out its beliefs through various church practices, including, but not limited to, systems of church discipline. We have observed repeated and willful disregard for PCA policies and standards, along with actions that contradict Scripture, carried out and/or sanctioned by officers in the PCA. Moreover, we see the PCA consistently working to diminish the voices of women and other disempowered groups. We have a very high view of the role of ecclesiastical systems, but we no longer have confidence in the ability of the PCA or its systems and structures to create a safe and just ecclesiastical environment for those bringing allegations against an elder. Ultimately, the Elders concluded that this decision is the best way for us to care for the members of City Hope (Acts 20:28), and to prioritize the vulnerable in accordance with God’s heart as revealed throughout Scripture (Psalm 82:2-4, Isaiah 58:1-12, Matt. 25:35-40, James 1:22-27).
City Hope has already begun the process of exploring other denominations that would allow us to flourish in our faith and effectively love our neighbor as Jesus instructed. We have seen God’s hand at work throughout this process, and trust He will continue to lead us according to His will and wisdom.